We provide a warm and welcoming environment for everyone
Our meetings are vibrant and Spirit-filled providing an opportunity for people to immerse themselves in ecstatic worship, adoration and prophetic teaching. Relationship is extremely important to us.. We love children and have an amazing program for them. And after the Service everyone is welcome to join us for a great time of fellowship over coffee or lunch at one of the local cafes or down the beach for outreach.
New Life Congregation
As a family we value relationship above programs. How amazing it is to see uniqueness and diversity and to celebrate this. As a result, our expression within our Sunday and other meetings can differ dramatically from week to week.
We also acknowledge and honour Mindy Stigter, Ruth Anderson and Sharon Ixer and other amazing leaders/team members and loved ones who are part of our extended family who are championing different aspects of kingdom – Creative Arts (painting, music, sculpting, cartoons, authors, art installations…), finance, social justice, health-space, environment, business and indigenous ministries.
Talk about colouring outside the lines; In the last 10 years, we have been journeying beyond traditional boundaries for music in worship. We’ve been increasingly experiencing times of ecstatic praise and revelation. The main foundation in revelation has been that of our union with God in everything. We live and breathe union in our worship which gives birth to a unique and powerful sound.
Our musical expression of worship has developed in the last 5 years as we have explored our life with God, experientially and theologically. We have enjoyed growing into a more spontaneous style of musical worship as we spin together ecstatic melody and spoken word, receiving revelation from the Heart of God for today.

Our passion is to be consumed with Him and by His faith to experience oneness with Christ, and the power of His resurrection working in us. It is in and from this place of union that we are called, both individually and corporately, to be saturated in prayer throughout the day. We are also encouraged to be open and transparent with God and to expect His deep shalom, which is beyond our understanding. And as we confidently present our requests as the much-loved Bride, from hearts overflowing with gratitude, we pray with the One who is interceding day and night for us.